
Tell a story through music

Premiering both of Paul’s symphonies was nothing short of life-changing for me and my students. He is truly a composer who speaks directly to our hearts and his music reaffirms what it means to be alive.

Andrew Boysen, Jr.
Internationally-Known Composer; Music Professor at the University of New Hampshire

Welcome to the website for Minnesota composer Paul Cravens. If you are looking for something specific, here are some shortcuts and tips:

To learn about Paul, his background, and recent works, head over to the About page.

If you’re thinking about having Paul write a piece for your group, you can read more about the process on the Commission page. You’ll also find any consortium information here.

To listen to many samples of previous works in one place, check out Paul’s YouTube or SoundCloud pages.

If you’re looking for a specific piece, Paul’s works are organized by ensemble type. Once you choose an ensemble from the menu, pieces for that ensemble type are listed alphabetically and labeled with the title, length, and difficulty (Grade 1 = beginner, Grade 6 = college/professional). Clicking on a piece will allow you to listen to a recording and read program notes, as well as direct you to where the piece can be purchased. You could start with Daybreak (Concert Band, Grade 2), Symphony No. 2 “Chromosphere” (Concert Band, Grade 5), Legacy (Orchestra, Grade 4), or Three Dances for Four Saxes (Chamber, Grade 4).

If you have a question for Paul, want a free perusal score for a piece, or something on the website is broken, you can reach him via the Contact form on this website.

Thank you for your interest in the music of Paul Cravens!